I understand that every customer has needs - and every customer needs their devices repaired. I also understand that some customers need their devices in order to earn.  

It needs to be understood that I am employed full time to a major I.T. firm and that is my priority. While I will handle your issues with urgency, my availability may vary depending on what my 9-5 has assigned. If I am unable to resolve your issue within a timely manner, your device(s) will be returned and no charges may be levied - depending on the situation.  

Diagnostic charges are not refundable. Assessment charges are not refundable.

Work Agreement

As stated before - I have my 9-5 day job. That takes priority over everything else that I may take in. Here are some general guidelines.

Once the details on the scope of a job are worked out, we can get into having your issues resolved.


This next part is entirely related to payments. While my 9-5 covers my needs, I offer these services on my own time because I love I.T. With the rising fuel prices, it is impossible for me to not bill for site visits, pick-ups and assessments. It is also not possible for me to write off any other delinquent clients without some repercussions. So here we go.

While this seems harsh, please bear in mind that I've had individuals owe as little as JMD$500 and large companies as little as JMD$1,500 for extended periods of time. These are two mentions of multiple individuals and companies that have had outstanding balances varying from over 4 years (since 2018) to 3 months.